The Second Cissy Huntington Mystery
Interior Designer to the Rich and Famous
A chilling discovery in the Pacific Design Center ruins Cissy's day and sends her down a dangerous path of murder and old family secrets.
Cissy's movie star friends and her daughter lend their high-spirits to her search for who is threatening her family. Add in shocking news about Cissy's missing husband, a shoot-out in a mountain blizzard and drama at a San Francisco society wedding of old money Californians for a delicious romp through the wild, beautiful world of the rich and famous.
August 30th

Introducing Cissy Huntington
Interior Designer to the Rich and Famous
When Cissy’s husband disappears and all of their assets are seized or frozen–even the jet, she returns to designing interiors in the celebrity world of Los Angeles. A routine job inspection of her first client’s fabulous Beverly Hills mansion leads to several shocking discoveries including a body in the library. Is it the sexy homicide detective who lures the group of women into helping Cissy discover who murdered the cosmetic surgeon? Are there numerous treasures hidden in the house? Is the doctor really too broke to pay his design fees? Where did he hide the cache of priceless jewelry? Secret rooms, panels hiding cupboards, how many surprises are still to be discovered on this estate. Famous movie stars with their annoying entourages, a client’s illegitimate children and secret lover, as well as Cissy’s young adult daughter all brave danger to solve this murder.

A Novel
"To Ride Forth Seeking Romance and Adventure" - An Olde California Custom
Still beautiful, no longer innocent, Lady Clarissa arrives in early California alone . . . and with child.
In 1848, as she boards a ship on the New York City dock, Lady Clarissa Barrington Wells is distracted by the sight of a dark, handsome fellow passenger. This man, whose wicked smile evokes a magnetic attraction in her, is more worldly than the awkward boys she met at her debutante balls in New York, and more dashing than the boring old men she met after her presentation to Queen Victoria. He is unsuitable for more than a flirtation, but far from society’s scrutiny, she succumbs to his proverbial “bad boy” charm.
Forbidden, steamy lovemaking thrills her beyond her wildest dreams, and she almost decides to overlook his lack of suitability. But then she discovers she has surrendered her virginity to a promiscuous rake.
After arriving to the rancho hacienda of her father’s new wife near Monterey, she discovers she is pregnant. Ashamed to bring disgrace to her family, she embarks on a dangerous horseback trip across the California wilderness to find shelter and raise her unborn child–––just as gold is being discovered. More dangerous than the bears and snakes that inhabit the region are the pair of serial killers whose attention she attracted on the journey to California.


Book 2: SAGA OF A LADY, A Novel
California, January 1849. Alone and frightened, in a wilderness cabin, Lady Clarissa is in labor with her first child. Clarissa has bravely faced numerous dangers, but this is different. Her mother died giving birth to her. Where have her friends and husband disappeared to without explanation? Are we under attack?
Love—and the lovemaking—she shares with her husband, don Carlo, give Lady Clarissa the happiness and fortitude she needs to deal with the bigotry, murders and tragedies brought by the rush for gold. The massive influx of people and disease from around the world endanger her family. Determined to keep her family together and in California, Clarissa seeks haven in Yerba Buena while it becomes San Francisco. But the city proves to harbor its own perils. Her husband’s secret fight for his beloved California and its people has him in constant danger and keeps her anxious about his safety. Then she discovers her husband has still another secret.
Lady and the Don is the second in the Saga of a Lady series. A Victorian historical romance saga spanning two continents. Thrown into the chaos of the old west from the refinement of Victorian society Lady Clarissa continues to overcome the challenges of her new surrounds.
A Novel
UC Berkeley in the 1960's could be a murderous place for a Cal co-ed. Lexi Johnson thought tear gas was all she had to fear on the day she was murdered.
In 2008, University of California student Alexandra Nichols' interest in Lexi's murder stirs up trouble that forces her to solve the forty-year-old homicide in order to protect her family. Transcendental twists in her dangerous hunt for the serial killer reveals secrets and that she is the Girl With A Past.
Multiple shootings and her mother's kidnapping have Alexandra racing to find the persons threatening her and her family. When Alexandra is shot at on campus, she realizes she may know more about the earlier serial shootings than anyone would suspect. Some clues are found in the hippie era, especially the 1967 Summer of Love in San Francisco.
Armed with her new understanding of the case, Alexandra and her brother, Steven, search from Marin to Tahoe for who wants to kill Alexandra––and why?
Their questions, and hints that they know more that they should, make their parents' old college friends, now pillars of the community, nervous that their secrets will be revealed. Not only might their successful lives be ruined––they could be ended.